“Vision” has Two “i”‘s in it for a Reason

Eyes on Billboard
Did you notice that “i” is the only letter that is repeated in the word, “Vision”?  Why do you think that is?  I think it has to do with the fact that you are the most important part of the vision process.  Your vision is intensely personal and must engage all your senses to make it real for you.  You should feel a yearning and passion when you see it.  You should want it more than you want to breathe.  When your vision is that vivid, you will figure out how to make it happen.  You are unstoppable!  You must have strong vision to increase your productivity – it’s essential.

Your Vision Should INSPIRE You

You must first understand what a vision really is. A vision is more than just seeing something that nobody else has ever seen. It is seeing the end result of a path that you are willing to take. It includes seeing the end result as well as the path that will get you there.

In order for you to get to the end result you must know where that is in relation to your goals. Keep an eye on the end result and remind yourself why you are trying to achieve your vision.

Take the time to stay active with your vision. Interact with the things that will propel you to the end.

Your Vision Should be YOURS

You may be saying, “Duh, Kim!”  Here’s the challenge – are you envisioning your dreams or someone else’s?  Take the time to really answer that question for yourself. Is it your vision of success or your partners? Your parents? Your teachers or mentors? or Society’s?

Once you answer these questions and get clear, you will make stuff happen, guaranteed!

So what’s your vision? How big a game are you willing to play? Can you see it, feel it, hear it, taste it, touch it?

Let me know.  I get excited just by writing about vision.  More tomorrow.

Until then,


Image courtesy of njaj/freedigitalphotos.net


  1. Hey Kim,

    It’s true – most people are visionless. But I was that way too for years when I was in the corporate world. My life was my job and I didn’t see myself doing anything else. But all that changed when caught the entrepreneurial bug in 2007. Its been quite a wiggly journey since then, but I’ve worked hard at developing a vision for my life, and my wife and I have worked out a vision for our family as well. Starting with the end in mind is so important. Business is part of that vision – but so is service. Thanks for this message Kim, and for the reminder!

    If you get a chance – have a stop over at my blog sometime!

    Dan Tredo

    1. Dan:

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I couldn’t agree more that service is a huge part of the puzzle. I like that you are working together with your wife to create a vision for your family – it definitely helps when everything is integrated.

      Keep up the great work,

  2. Keep talking please Kim, I need this sort of inspiration to keep me going sometimes!

    Isn’t Vision so, so important? When you’re pulling long days (and nights sometimes!) and you haven’t started to see the benefits of your work yet, reminding yourself that all of this effort is actually going to take you to where you want to go is essential.

    I don’t know what you think of this but my wife and I have even started a ‘Vision Board’…

    This is where we put photo’s and notes of where we would like to be next year etc.

    At the moment, there’s a nice villa with swimming pool on there and a lovely picture of an Aston Martin DB9! You can probably guess which one is mine?

    It works for us anyway. It’s amazing how the little things can motivate so much.

    Great post Kim, look forward to reading more.



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