Your Success is in Your Thinking

When you get to a certain level of success, all your time is used to create your current level of income.  When you think about getting to the next level, you might be thinking that you want it and you have no idea where you will find the time to make it happen.

My question to you is:  “What stops you from getting to the next level?” Do you need more knowledge?  For instance, do you need to know how to use social media to grow your business?  or do you need to learn a sales process so you can “wash, rinse, repeat”?  or maybe you need to figure out who your ideal client is so your prospective clients are saying, “When can we start?  instead of “How much will that cost?”  Maybe you are doing everything yourself and the only way you can grow is to either outsource or hire an employee.

The most important part of the assessment lies in your commitment to getting the results you want.  It is so easy to tear yourself apart during the assessment, which is not helpful or necessary.  Get super committed to what you want and then move from that space into what you need to do to get it. Your success depends on it.




  1. Excellent advice Kim

    Sometimes I wonder whether the fear of failure is a stop to many people becoming a success in what they do and achieving that next level, would you agree?

    1. I do agree, and here’s the crazy thing – I think some people are more afraid of being super successful than they are of failing. Not having things turn out how they want can feel like a familiar friend. Actually achieving your dreams and having choices can be super scary.

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